Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ipad/Apple TV resources

Ipad/Apple TV resources
I set up 5 Apple TVs in fellow teachers classrooms! Super excited that people are ACTiVeLY using the technology we have!
I have been sharing (and am more than happy to share we you all of you, too):
* my favorite iPAD apps (Doceri, pic collage, educreations)
* you can use your ipad/Apple TV like an interactive whiteboard. If you buy and use SmartBoard APP (even if you don't have a smartboard) because you can download and use all of the SmartExchange smartboard files that other teachers have already made (hate making my own sort, for example, if someone else has already made it)
* I bought tons of different stylises and 2 different devices to hold the ipad (it buckles to your hand), a stand to use the ipad as a doc cam (it's really just a metal dishes rack), headphones with microphones
If you want to borrow anything, you can email me


  1. Which stylus do you like best with the iPad?

  2. My favorite stylus is the Jot Pro. I've heard the Jot Script Evernote Edition is even better.

    Pogo is a cheaper one that could be good too... I'm not a fan of the cheap rubber tipped one.
