Thursday, September 4, 2014

Technology when I was young versus today

The only technology our teachers had when I was young was a carousel slide projector and an 8 mm (or maybe 16 mm) film projector.  I believe they were still using mimeograph machines.  There was no technology students were able to use.  Compare that to today when my students made book trailers, created a website, used Kidblog to share information with each other and with me and to give their thoughts about their reading (instead of long writing).  It is so exciting that my students can communicate so many different ways.  Powtoons and Goanimate were great arenas for some students who said they don't like to write as well as those who do.  Students get so excited about using technology - even when they were just using Word to spellcheck their essays before asking questions of others or me.  I hope I can get my new 7th grade students as excited about it this year as the 4th graders were last year.

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